Even the best HVAC system, comprising HEPA filters and perhaps UV light, can only clean and/or purify indoor air after the air is pulled in front of, or across, multiple individuals seated within an indoor room. This occurs due to the way an HVAC system works. Once air conditioned air enters the room through an air vent it is pulled across the room to a distant air return that sucks the air and moves it into an air conditioning chamber where it is cleaned and or purified. If any individual seated within this indoor room has a highly contagious respiratory infection such as COVID, influenza, common cold or tuberculosis it is possible that one or more other individuals seated within the room will become infected as the air is pulled across the room. There is no disputing the fact that an HVAC system provides outstanding temperature control, however HVAC systems are not designed to quickly capture and clean exhaled air before it dissipates into the room’s indoor air.
By utilizing an HVAC system with one or more Air-Clenz™ units it is possible to quickly capture and clean exhaled air, while also capturing and cleaning the room’s ambient indoor air. The combination of an HVAC system multiple Air-Clenz™ units can significantly increase the room’s clean air turns per hour.
School Classroom – HVAC

Office Workplace – HVAC

As with an HVAC system, an Air Purifier can only clean and/or purify indoor air after the air is pulled in front of, or across, multiple individuals seated within an indoor room. This occurs due to the way an air purifier works. Air (including exhaled air) that could be contaminated with an infectious airborne virus can be pulled across the room into the air purifier’s air suction intake where it then moved into the air purifier’s air purification chamber for cleaning and or purification. If any individual seated within this indoor room has a highly contagious respiratory infection such as COVID, influenza, common cold or tuberculosis it is possible that one or more other individuals seated within the room will be come infected as the air is pulled towards and into the air purifier.
By utilizing one or more air purifiers with one or more Air-Clenz™ units it is possible to quickly capture and clean exhaled air while also capturing and cleaning the room’s ambient indoor air. The combination of one or more air purifiers and one or more Air-Clenz™ units can be complimentary by quickly capturing and clearing exhaled air and cleaning the room’s indoor air.
School Classroom – Air Purifier

Office Workplace – Air Purifier