Press Releases

 May 22, 2023
By Air-Clenz Systems from

Air-Clenz Granted US Patent For Electronic Displays That Clean Indoor Air

Air-Clenz is proud to announce we recently received our third US patent for our unique approach to increasing indoor air quality and decreasing the spread of airborne illness. Read more about the patent and our progress in our latest press release.

ATLANTA, GA, UNITED STATES, May 22, 2023 – Air-Clenz Systems™ (Air-Clenz™) was granted US Patent 11,638,772 B2 as part of the company’s ongoing effort to make indoor air cleaner, safer, and healthier for all. The patent covers the use of any electronic display screen, such as a desktop monitor, laptop, tablet, television, or display screen on the back of a seat where an air purifier or an Air-Clenz™ unit is integrated or attached to the display screen or its housing or mount. Additional patent applications are pending in the US and in foreign countries around the world.

Air-Clenz™ is the only known mask-free solution that quickly stops, captures, and cleans an exhaled air breath, cough, or sneeze before it spreads throughout an indoor venue or vehicle.”

Anita Broach, PhD, Air-Clenz Chief Scientist

“Today is another important step forward in a two-year plus journey for Air-Clenz™,” explained company chief executive officer Stuart Sheldon. “It recognizes the visionary thinking of our founder, Dr. Ronald Blum, our Chief Scientific Officer, Anita T. Broach, PhD., and others to fundamentally change how the world approaches improving indoor air quality. This patent acknowledges that Drs. Blum and Broach were the first to figure out how electronic display screens can quickly stop, capture, and clean an exhaled breath, cough, or sneeze within the first three to four feet from someone’s mouth, before it – and any possible airborne disease it may carry with it – can spread through the indoor space. When someone sits in front of an electronic display screen, their exhaled air can be blocked, and its forward motion stopped, so it can be quickly captured and cleaned by an air purifier or an Air-Clenz™ unit. In most cases the distance from the face of an individual seated in front of an electronic display screen is 3 feet or less.”

Computer model illustrations shows the significant difference in the spread of an infectious cough when seated in front of a computer monitor without (left) and with (right) Air-Clenz™
A vector illustration shows a cough stopped, captured, and cleaned by an Air-Clenz™ equipped computer monitor.

Anita Broach, PhD, Air-Clenz™ Chief Scientist said: “We can’t see microscopic airborne viruses and bacteria, so people don’t realize how easily they are spread by an exhaled breath, cough, or sneeze – or by air pulled across a room towards the return of an HVAC [Heat, Ventilation, Air Conditioning] system or the air intake of a conventional air purifier. Air-Clenz™ is the only known mask-free solution that quickly stops, captures, and cleans an exhaled air breath, cough, or sneeze before it spreads throughout an indoor venue or vehicle. Air-Clenz™ can capture and clean an exhaled breath, cough, or sneeze to 99.97% pure in less than 10 seconds.” Scientists and health professionals know that when one breathes an exhaled air breath containing up to 100 micron and submicron particles comes out of one’s nose or mouth traveling up to 3.5 miles per hour. When one coughs exhaled air containing up to 10,000 micron and submicron particles comes out of one’s nose or mouth traveling up to 50 miles per hour. When one sneezes exhaled air containing up to 100,000 micron and submicron particles comes out of one’s nose or mouth traveling up to 100 miles per hour.” 

In addition to blocking, quickly capturing, and cleaning exhaled air, multiple electronic display screens adapted with Air-Clenz units in the same room significantly increase the clean air turns per hour. Multiple highly reputable studies by major universities, research institutes, and companies such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.), Harvard, Yale, National Institute of Health (N.I.H.), and The Carrier Corp concluded that when indoor clean air quality is improved, not only is airborne cross-infection reduced, but cognitive ability, productivity, and performance are all greatly enhanced. Most recently The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended increasing clean air turns per hour (ACH) within an indoor space to five or more (ACH). By installing multiple Air-Clenz units on the back of vehicle seats or attached to desks in an indoor venue or space such as a classroom, it is possible to increase the clean air turns per hour to ten or more (ACH). 

Dr. Ron Blum, Chairman of Air-Clenz Systems™ stated: “We are most pleased and excited about the scope and strength of this US patent that was just granted. It provides intellectual property protection for any device with any electronic display screen of any type where the screen blocks exhaled air, the device quickly captures and cleans the exhaled air along with indoor ambient air, and then releases the cleaned air back into the room or venue. The patent further covers, with this mode of use, all known ways of cleaning and/or purifying indoor and exhaled air. Air-Clenz™ has numerous additional other patent applications filed and pending in the US and around the world.”

About Air-Clenz Systems™
Air-Clenz Systems™ (Air-Clenz™) based in Atlanta, Georgia, was launched by success-proven inventors, scientists, and collaboration partners attempting to solve major global challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic, with an eye to benefiting the global population at large. Air-Clenz proprietary technology and approach is directed at the quick capture and cleaning of airborne particles from exhaled air before they can disperse within an indoor room and be transmitted to others. The technology can be adapted to work in most indoor venues where individuals are seated, including schools, offices, houses of worship, learning institutions, theaters, and vehicles of all types, including aircraft. 

The Air-Clenz™ approach to business is that of licensing and or selling its IP, after having invented, developed working prototypes, proven and protected its intellectual property.

Stuart Sheldon
Air-Clenz Systems, LLC
+1 404-754-4004
email us here

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